26 de novembro de 2024

No bebedouro

Pardal comum - House Sparrow
Passer domesticus

Estorninho preto - Spotless Starling
Sturnus unicolor

Pintassilgo - European Goldfinch
Carduelis carduelis

(Junho de 2024)

7 comentários:

Irma disse...

Hello JR,
Beautiful photos of the sparrow, the black starling and the goldfinch.
I think the goldfinch is a beautiful bird, they are not very common here, the sparrow is a common bird here, you can find them in every garden.
Greetings Irma

Pasión por las aves disse...

Hola JR,bellas fotos de estas bellas aves que tambien suelen visitar mi charca.Unfuerte abrazo amigo y feliz semana.

Antonio Rodriguuez disse...

Que bonitos son los pájaros. Mis favoritos son los gorriones.
Un abrazo.

Germán Ibarra Zorrilla disse...

Bonita serie del abrevadero, enhorabuena JR. Un fuerte abrazo desde el norte de España.

David M. Gascoigne, disse...

Hello, JR: Water is the common ingredient for all life, of course. Such great shots of these common species coming to drink. I have been trying to figure out a way to follow your blog so that I am notified of new posts, but I haven’t found it yet. Is there a way in fact? All the best - David

JR disse...

Hi David.
The simplest solution is, in "Blogger", to add my blog to your "My blog list" widget.

Ana Mínguez Corella disse...

Muy bonitas fotos...