20 de novembro de 2024

Já pousam noutras bandas

Papa amoras comum - Common Whitethroat
Curruca communis

Papa moscas preto - Pied Flycatcher
Ficedula hypoleuca

(Setembro de 2024)

10 comentários:

David M. Gascoigne, disse...

Tiny birds, not especially colourful, but with an abundance of personality. They bring joy to everyone who encounters them.

Antonio Rodriguuez disse...

Que pajaritos mas bonitos.
Un abrazo

Irma disse...

Hello JR,
These are great photos.
The Curruca communis is really beautiful, a species I have never seen before.
I wish you a nice Thursday.
Greetings Irma

Ana Mínguez Corella disse...

Bonitas imágenes... Saludos

Marco Luijken disse...

What a great and wonderful birds. Fantastic how you photograph them. Very well done!!

Greetings, Marco

Pasión por las aves disse...

Hola JR,bonitas fotos de estas dos especies que este año han visitado mi zona.Un fuerte abrazo amigo y feliz fin de semana.Un fuerte abrazo amigo y feliz fin de semana.

Lasse disse...

You have managed very well to catch these small birds with the camera. Not easy especially with the first "törnsångare" as we call it in Sweden. Have it here in my garden during summertime and I here them all days but never seee them decently,, All the best

Roy Norris disse...

Olá JR. Parece que muitos dos nossos migrantes de Verão regressam a Portugal

JR disse...

Hi Roy.
The Common Whitethroat nests in Portugal in the summer, it is not resident.
The Pied Flycatcher is just a passing migrator.
By this time both have already arrived at their wintering places.

Germán Ibarra Zorrilla disse...
