17 de outubro de 2024

Aves de caniçal

Chapim de bigodes - Bearded Reedling
Panurus biarmicus

Chapim de faces pretas - Eurasian Penduline Tit
Remiz pendulinus

Rouxinol grande dos caniços - Great Reed-Warbler
Acrocephalus arundinaceus

(Junho de 2024)

6 comentários:

  1. It's interesting that you lead with Bearded Reedling, a bird that has been my nemesis. I searched for it in suitable habitat in the United Kingdom and again in Slovenia, without success. It is both distinctive and beautiful and I regret not seeing it. That's the nature of birding, however.

  2. Hello JR,
    Great series of photos.
    I have never seen all three species, but luckily you took these beautiful photos.
    I enjoyed these beautiful photos.
    Greetings Irma

  3. Hola JR,muy buenas fotos de estas aves de cañizal especies que a mi tambien me gustan y tengo la suerte de verlas todas ellas en mi zona.Un fuerte abrazo amigo y feliz fin de semana.

  4. Bellas imágenes de estos pájaros de caña. Son todas muy simpáticas posados sobre sus cañas.
    Un abrazo.

  5. Hello JR, Really beautiful photos which is not so easy taken among bushes and reed,,

  6. Bonitas fotos João. É pena não aparecerem todos os dias à nossa frente. Abraço


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